Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Be Present

It's been a struggle's been a living day to day type of year so far. It's hard to be in a place you don't feel called to anymore, and when you feel your heart being pulled somewhere else. I started to feel calous, numb, and un-interested in the people and things around me. I had such a tunnel vision towards getting to the next place and stage in my life. Yet, at the same time was not understanding why God was not releasing me to go if he had put this "desire and passion" in my heart?

Then the other night I was out having a dinner with a friend when I noticed a new tatoo on her forearm that said "Be Present". At first I didn't think anything about it...Thought oh that's kind of deep but moved on and didn't give it another thought! However, the next night at church (as I was crying and pleading with God for an answer to my dispassion)I kept seeing the picture of this tatoo in my mind. The word's "BE PRESENT" kept repeating in my mind. I started praying "Ok God obviously you keep bringing this to my mind what are you trying to tell me".....I felt the Holy spirit telling me "Be Present Heidi....wherever I have you, you need to be present! In that place! Be Present in that place till I take you somewhere else!"

It hit me! Here I was saying I wanted to go to Seatle to finish school to be a counselor (and ya know what God may have that for me) but right now in this moment I am in St Joe! Involved in church and a leader in Celebrate Recovery! I am to be Jesus to those people! Here! Now! My calling is to be Jesus to everyone I meet no matter where he takes me! I may have a vision and a desire for something in my heart but for right now God has me in the place i am to prepare me for what he is preparing me for! So until God moves me I am going to BE PRESENT!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Dream and The Goal

The Goal is to be in Seatle by Spring!!!! God Willing!!!! Praying for his Guidance!!!! But I have a rumbling in my spirit so I am going for it!!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Who will love the little girl

I wrote a poem last night based off this clip from Antwoine Fischer....I even stole a line from the poem but it fit!!!!

Who will love the little girl
the one abandoned as a child
Who will love the little girl
the one abused and defiled
Who will love the little girl
that feels rejected and all alone
Who will love the little girl
who's hurt has become a painful groan
Who will love the little girl
who's voice is being drowned out
Who will love the little girl
who's heart has forever learned to doubt
Who will love the little girl
struck down before her time
Who will love the little girl
who never got a chance to shine
Who will love the little girl
for a good girl she tried to be
Who will love the little girl
the one lost inside of me

Dedicated to my MOM and the little girl inside of her!!!!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Moleskin Quotes: Finding the Vision

"The diffrence between a day dream and a burning vision is the audacity to act"

"The vision for your life must originate from God, it must have it's priority in the gospel or it's not a vision it's just a day dream...your vision can't be just to earn and accumulate, and keep up....that's not a vision that's a day dream"

"Everybody ends up somewhere, not everybody ends up somewhere on purpose"

"God shows you in stages what he wants you to do...he says his word is a lamp unto our feet not a spot light so you can see 100 ft in front of you"

"If you want to see God accomplish a radical adacious vision for your life you can't dress (spiritually) for where you are, you have to dress for where he wants to take you"

"Quit letting people's opinions of your vision dictate your destiny, there's more inside of you then you are allowing to emerge"

"The visionary is the one that acts on what should be inspite of what he sees and acts on what could be inspite of what they see"

"Most of us are educated far beyond our level of obediance..Most of us don't need some vision from the clouds about what God wants to do through our lives. We need to simply do what we know to do throught the revelation that we already have. Most of us don't act on what we know. So if we dont act on what we already know why should God reveal something on top of our disobediance because of what we are already not doing?"

Steve Furtick Quotes